1534358172803-07 09:35
这里贴不了链接的,你百度 clinicaltrails 然后在里面找 Baylor College of Medicine。这个只是公布了阶段性成果,整个临床试验还没完成。下面是它公布的成功。A dose limiting toxicity is defined as any toxicity that is considered to be primarily related to the GPC3-CAR T cells. Specifically those which are Grade 5; non-hematologic Grade 3-4 not returning to Grade 2 within 72 hours; Grade 2-4 allergic reaction; Hematologic Grade 4 that fails to return to Grade 2 or baseline (whichever is more severe) within 14 days; all grade 4 CRS and neurologic toxicities and grade 3 CRS and neurologic toxicities that fail to return to Grade 1 within 7 days.Response rates will be estimated as the percent of patients whose best response is either complete remission or partial remission by combining the data from the two patients. To compare with historical data, a 95% confidence interval will be calculated for the response rate.
这里贴不了链接的,你百度 clinicaltrails 然后在里面找 Baylor College of Medicine。这个只是公布了阶段性成果,整个临床试验还没完成。下面是它公布的成功。A dose limiting toxicity is defined as any toxicity that is considered to be primarily related to the GPC3-CAR T cells. Specifically those which are Grade 5; non-hematologic Grade 3-4 not returning to Gr...